Collaboration Energizer | #混ぜなきゃ危険 | 八木橋パチ


ワークショップデザイン・実施 - 20のヒント


数カ月前にとあるファシリテーション1日体験コースに参加したのですが、その際、講師のディランさんに『20 Lessons Learned in Designing and Delivering Workshops』という素晴らしいプレゼントをいただきました。







ワークショップ・デザイン & 実施における20のヒント


  1. If I ask the group a question, I’m careful not to answer it myself as participants will then often become passive. Instead, I get comfortable with silence and wait until someone replies. This creates an even flow of communication right from the outset.



  1. I avoid calling on individuals. Instead, I show that I’m eager to hear from anyone in the group who has something to say. I may ask, “Who’s first?” and “Who’s next?”



  1. Gradually ‘disappearing’ myself is something I will do to confirm that the group is standing on its own legs, supporting each other, less dependent on the facilitator. I sometimes do this by slowly moving to the side or back of the room. I see this as a form of ‘scaffolding’.



  1. I look for opportunities to build in peer-to-peer learning. When participants are able to teach the subject matter to each other, then they’ve really learned it well.



  1. I try to “get out of the way” of participants’ learning by using most of the time for them to speak – especially with each other.



  2. I keep in mind the danger of running a session that is ‘powerpointless’ – participants tend to focus either on the speaker OR the slides. It’s difficult to do both at the same time. Slides really are there only as support material for the discussion in the room.



  3. I try to minimize anything that isn’t directly related to the learning objective. If we overload participants with information they only need to get through the session, we’re just facilitating for the sake of facilitating.



  4. I believe an important strength of team-based learning is that it mirrors how most workplaces actually function. It’s rare, for example, that individuals make executive decisions without facing the pressure of persuading their colleagues (or recognizing the error in their thinking).



  5. I’ve observed that participants often begin to doubt themselves if given enough time to worry. To prevent this, I get participants into an activity right at the start of the session. That way, they’re already doing what they came to learn how to do before wondering if they can do it!



  6. I’ve learned not to be a ‘cheerleader’ for the content of my sessions, not to feel that I need to defend it. It can be more helpful to take the side of the participant and discuss honestly why a certain theory – for example – cannot be applied in the real world.



  7. Motivation is so central to the learning process that I sometimes ask participants to write down their goal at the beginning of a session, and then remind them regularly to use each stage of the session to consciously work toward their goal. At the end of the session, more often than not, they discover that they have naturally gravitated toward their goal.



  1. Giving participants a chance to work with different people over the course of a session helps not only with creativity but also with building relationships. I think the latter adds to the overall success of learning events.



  1. I have found that escalating the level of challenge over the course of a session helps to keep participants excited about reaching ‘the next level’ and gives them a sense of achievement.



  2. I have learned that what most participants want more than anything is attention. To do this without interrupting them, I walk around the room, lean into conversations a bit, and sometimes sit at the table to show participants that I’m interested in how they’re progressing.



  3. I find it to be a much deeper learning experience when I create an environment in which participants discover how to do something than for me to just tell them how others do it.



  4. I think it helps to give participants a sense of mission; an ambitious goal, limited resources, and some teammates – off you go! To me, this is symbolic of the challenge of life itself.

    参加者にミッションを与えましょう。野心的なゴール、限りあるリソース、そしてチームメイトを! — これで準備万端です。私にとって、これらは人生という挑戦のシンボルに他なりません。


  5. My default assumption is that the most important technology needed for the session will fail. I prepare therefore to run my sessions as completely ‘tech-free’ events just in case.

    もっとも重要な機器にこそトラブルは起きる — セッションにこう考えて臨むようにしています。「機器なし」でも問題ないように準備し備えておく、これで「危機なし」ですね。


  6. Humor is a wonderful gift that transcends all walls and brings people closer together. I tend to be more serious by nature, but I welcome humor wherever it appears.



  7. For me, the most natural and effortless relationship is the one I have with participants. I do what I do for them. The organizers, sponsors and administrators are all important, but the facilitator- participant relationship is the one that counts most.



  8. The most important guideline I use is keeping the learning exercise as realistic or “true to life” as possible. Simulating in this way helps to overcome the ‘transferability’ problem of whether what has been learned in a workshop can be applied to the workplace. When the practiced behavior is identical to the target behavior, the transferability question disappears.








Happy Collaboration!