Collaboration Energizer | #混ぜなきゃ危険 | 八木橋パチ


シャーリーン・リーのTED@IBMトーク: デジタル時代のリーダーシップ - コントロールを手放せば



英語の勉強を兼ねて年末年始にじっくり見てみようと思っていたのですが、最初に観たCharlene Liさん(あの、そうあの『グランズウェル ソーシャルテクノロジーによる企業戦略』の著者のシャーリーン・リーさんです)のTEDトークに強く感銘を受けました。




Charlene Li "Giving Up Control: Leading in the Digital Era"

シャーリーン・リー 『デジタル時代のリーダーシップ - コントロールを手放せば』

So what does it mean to be a leader in the digital era? And I mean a leader in all aspects of our lives -- at work, in our communities, and in our homes. This is an urgent issue, it's not a light question.


That's because research from Gallup shows that amazingly, worldwide, only 13% of people are engaged in their work. And, despite companies' best efforts to address this problem, that number has barely budged over the past decade. This is also an issue in our homes.


This is what engagement looks like in my household. My teenagers are totally engaged - with their devices, with their world, their friends. But not with me….


As the parent, I am a distraction, an annoyance when I try to get them to do the things that I want them to do. If you're not a parent yourself, you likely remember what it was like to be a teen yourself ? and the annoyance you felt when your parents tried to tell you how to drive, or dress, or date.


But at some point, parents have to trust their teenagers. People who successfully parent their teenageres into adulthood eventually say to them, "I know you can do this now on your own."


I think it's time for us to learn how do this at work as well.


Now, when you think about hierarchies, many of them exist in organizations today, hierarchies were created at the dawn of the industrial revolution to create efficiency and scale.


Hierarchies work great if you manufacture widgets, where the information and expertise you needed to make decisions reside only at the top. But in our modern, digitally-connected world, the efficiency pales against the need for innovation, for change, and for speed. The people who have to make decisions and traces all of the changes reside at the edges and at the bottom of the organization.


Leaders today have to trust that those employees will use good judgment when they have to make decisions that in the past would have been sent "up the ladder" for somebody else to decide.


In order for those employees who do this, they have to be able to do two-way non-hierarchical conversation through out the organization that they can gather the information they needed to make decisions and take action.

従業員が正しい判断をするためには、 社員が社内全体を通じた非ヒエラルキー型の双方向性の対話によって、判断して行動を起こすための情報を得られなければなりません。

This is not some future, utopian world; it is one that already exists today.


One example of this is the restaurant chain Red Robin has a very digital-savvy employee base, 87% of them are Millennials. They recently introduced a new menu item called the "Pig Out Style Burger". And one of the things they did was those restaurant services went out and gathered customer feedback, they asked people what do you think of this and they posted the feedbacks on the company's internal social network -- and it wasn't all good. Executives quickly realized that they had to make a change, and they tapped those employees for suggestions on what to do. The result -- employee suggestions went to the test kitchens at headquarters and then back into the field again in less than 30 days -- that's compared to 6-12 months, it would normally have taken. What Red Robin realized is that employee engagement wasn't about employees talking with each other, it was really about them being heard and that their voices making a difference.


But there's a big problem. Managers who sit between those executives and front lines absolutely abhor this new openness. That's because those executives are going around them to talk to their direct reports. And they fight this changes tooth and nail because they feel that they are losing control.


Now those middle managers can be big obstacle to change, but they are also a crucial part of the solution. I've done a lot of thinking and researching, around what we can do to address this problem. And I've identified three things that we can do.


The first is that we have to create a culture of sharing.


And in hierarchies, layers are designed to filter information up and to push information down. We were taught that to be successful, we had to hoard information. But in a networked organization, just the opposite is true. Managers become facilitators, they accelerate the speed and spread of information through out the organization.


One of the best examples I've ever seen of this was on the US Navy aircraft carrier, the USS Nimitz. In a radical act of transparency, they invited 16 bloggers to spend 24 hours onboard. I was fortunate to be one of those bloggers.


The captain, once we were on board, encouraged us to talk to anybody, about anything, at any time. He knew that he couldn't control what his sailors would say to any of us, but he had confidence that they knew what to share and what to keep private. That's because they had a culture of sharing in place, and they practiced it every single day because they knew that their lives and their mission depended on ability for anybody to speak up at the right time.


How many of you would feel comfortable allowing an outsider to come into your organization and walk around, unescorted, for even one hour? If you have a strong culture of sharing in place, you would feel confident and confortable that this would be fine.

みなさんの中で、部外者に自分の組織の中を、1時間であっても自由に歩き回らせられるという方、まったく気にならないという方はいますか? もし、強いシェアの文化がそこに根付いていれば、自信を持って悠然としていられることでしょう。

The second thing that organizations can do is to Practice Followership.


If you think about it, the size and quality of your network today determines how much power, influence you have, not your title. Now one of the key things that you can see is that people share with each other develop their relationships.


One manager that I know posted internal video updates about a project that she was working on, she used those updates to engage people throughout the organization. What she was doing is actively building relationships and a network of followers. When it came time to implement that project, she tapped her Followers for volunteers, people then championed that project implementation in their own departments.


Now if middle managers were encouraged to develop their own followership, then if their titles were to change or even disappear, they would nonetheless retain that power, the influence -- and the effectiveness. But how do you actually do for us, how do you actually go about and create that, well, I think one of the key things is to think about the third thing: Which is how to you use network to create meaningful decisions.

もし今、中間管理職がフォロワーシップの推進を奨励されて、そして役職を取り上げられたら…彼らの権力や影響力は、そして有効性は保持されるでしょうか? しかし実際に、どうすればそのような文化を生み出したり実践を進めたりできるのでしょうか。1つの答えが第3の方法となります。意義ある判断を生みだすネットワークの使い方です。

Now employees and managers are smart: They are NOT going to engage unless they know that their engagement it going to result in the organization moving forward and also themselves. But how do you get them engaged in the first place? The key is to get decision makers involved.

従業員も中間管理職もしたたかです、彼らは、組織とそして自分たち自身に利をもたらすと思えなければエンゲージしないでしょう。そもそも、どこからエンゲージに取りかかればいいのでしょうか? 鍵は、意思決定者を加わらせることです。

One CEO who I know did this, made the shift by asking employees throughout the organization to make suggestions around what processes, and which technology that the company should eliminate. And they did this on the company's internal collaboration platform. Now with over 800 suggestions submitted, the CEO then started prioritizing which ones to cut, again with those inputs from employees. When middle managers and executives heard that what is happening, they started to get involved to as well. This was the turning point, the place where the managers realized that those networks are being used getting real work done. Using networks to make critical decisions is the only way that we gain traction.


I've just described three ways that we can lead in the digital era. But changing organizations through sharing, followership and networking does not happen overnight.


With these three things having in common is requires us to give up the traditional notion that power and influence comes from being in control. This is not an easy idea to let go of.


But just like when you were teens and our parents had to let go in order for us to grow, we need to empower, engage our employees, let go, and trust that they would do the right thing. This is the only way that we as leaders are going to be able to harness thier passion, their energy and their creativity.


Thank you.



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来年もよろしくです。Keep on Happy Collaboration!